Marketing Manager Resumes and Jobs


$100,000 to $200,000
Location: Los Angeles
Summary: Accomplished senior manager with years of experience deploying effective marketing, advertising, and business development campaigns for diverse multinational industries. Propel growth in market share and brand awareness through market research/analysis, leading to the innovation/execution of successful product positioning strategies.
$100,000 to $200,000
Summary: Marketing executive with over thirteen (13) years biological and pharmaceutical marketing/sales experience in customer marketing, product management/brand management, sales management, and field sales. Successful marketing products pre-launch, launch, and post-launch with strong market growth and product market share results.
$100,000 to $200,000
Location: Northeast USA
Summary: General manager, marketer strategic planner.
• General manager: Turned around software business as GM, then
CEO. (Macsyma)
• Marketer: Revolutionized marketing metrics. Affected plans
for several business units. (MathWorks)
• Strategic planner: Upgraded investment planning. (MathWorks)
$100,000 to $200,000
Summary: CONSULTANT AND PRODUCT MANAGER with experience from building a startup's product and service portfolio to running strategic, customer focused projects for Fortune 500 companies, including collaborating on a product turnaround. Sectors: Corporate Banking, Insurance, New Media, Technology, and Industrials.
$100,000 to $200,000
Location: District of Columbia
Summary: I am currently a Sr. Marketing Manager in the wireless telecommunications industry and have over 8 years of marketing experience: budget planning and management, advertising, media and direct marketing planning and execution, marketing research development and evaluation, and agency oversight.
$100,000 to $200,000
Location: New Jersey
Summary: Senior Product/Marketing Manager with over 10 years of marketing experience, new product development, operations management, finance, and sales who generated a 41% increase in sales and a 7% lift in conversion after implementing targeted offers and sales training.

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